Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pleep Rants About Morales

Pleep was very excited for about 30 seconds yesterday when Morales hit a grand slam walk off to win the game. Excitement quickly turned to a rant about Morales being a moron. Delete tried to calm him down but it didn't last long when the LA Times report of a season ending fracture that requires surgery surfaced. After only one week on the Monkeybutters, Morales is headed to the DL list. Pleep has instituted new rules about celebrating home runs.

Pleep has been working the phones since the injury in search of a replacement first baseman. In a desperation move, he called his favorite hometown first baseman, George Brett to try and talk him out of retirement. Pleep tried everything, including telling him it would give him a chance to repeat his pine tar incident when the team plays the Yankees. No luck yet and George's boys aren't ready for the majors either.

The Monkeybutters wrap up against Team Murph this week and are heading into a matchup with the very hot Arizona Diamondbacks. Pleep is very worried about facing Beau's team without his key player.

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