Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pleep Heads To Minors In Search Of Players

Pleep is very excited about the upcoming trip to Daytona Beach.  He isn't really that interested in the furniture or organizing the condo.  As far as he is concerned, the airbeds, 52 inch plasma tv and lawn furniture are all that is needed.  

In a desperate effort to jump start the Monkeybutters performance in the California Baseball Nuts League, Pleep and Delete have decided to scout the Daytona Beach Cubs.  After studying their roster and the schedule, he wants to attend Thirsty Thursday and Belly Buster Monday.  An added incentive for Monday is the fact that the Cubs are playing the Mets.  Pleep thinks he might be able to spot talent on the Mets even more than the Cubs.

With cash in hand, Pleep is heading south.  If he doesn't spend it on player acquistions, he figures the $1 beers on Thirsty Thursday will at least provide entertainment value.

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