Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Hour & Dinner Party

Pleep declared Thursday to be another day off from chores. The trip to Walmart yesterday was too much for him. He tired himself out monkeybutting everyone in the parking lot and the store. It was a perfect weather day at the beach. Sunny with a nice breeze off the water. Ed & Peggy had a nice 4 mile jaunt on the beach and a good day in the lounge chairs at the pool. A short walk down to the Publix to secure food for happy hour and dinner rounded off the activities. Pleep enjoyed the evening happy hour on the deck with nice views of a very quiet beach.

Ed decided it was time to christen the dining room so Pleep and Delete organized a nice dinner of Caesar salad and chicken tortellini with tomato herb sauce. The local Publix has a great selection of fresh pastas and sauces. Pleep is very anxious to put a good foot forward to all of the potential visitors and wants everyone to know how nice and easy life on the beach is. Finally, there is another rocket launch due tomorrow night around 11:30. The night launches are spectacular because you can really see the flames from the take off and early stages. This means Pleep will want to hit the hay early tonight so that he'll be ready for a late night.

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