Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dissent In the Clubhouse

It has been contentious this week in the Monkeybutters clubhouse. It all started when Pleep learned the Douglas Packers were unmanaged. He proposed a new owner from the Steinbrenner contingent in New York but was rebuffed. Delete did not take kindly to adding more New Yorkers to the league so he recruited a local Kansas Citian and former KC Chief, Dan McDonough without telling Pleep.

McDonough has now assumed ownership and management of the Packers, quickly making a few roster moves to get Longoria and other star players off the bench. Still disgruntled over the Posednik trade, Delete is considering an offer from McDonough to leave his position as Coach of the Monkeybutters and move over to the Packers. When asked to comment, Pleep replied, "I would hope sibling loyalty would be enough to keep Delete with the MBs but if he leaves, we will never trade with the Packers. We look forward to meeting them later this season and intend to beat them."

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