After concluding a successful trade with Harry Parker for Kendry Morales and Ricky Romero, Pleep headed out to scout out a few new bars/restaurants on the island. First up was Boondocks. It turned out to have a giant marlin on the roof that reminded Peggy of the one HOC had installed at the cabin. Boondocks is a great place in a marina on the intercoastal. It is basically a Quonset hut with picnic tables. It was a great place and the crowd was very friendly. After a couple of drafts, Pleep said it was time to head to the next stop, Racing's North Turn.
North Turn is located on the ocean at the point where the cars that raced on the beach would turn to head back south. It is also a great place. Because it is right on the ocean, the crowd there is a mix of people in street clothes and bathing suits. They have a shower right at the top of the stairs so anyone coming in from the beach can hose off. They have live music every night. Sunday night featured a one man band who was great with guitar, keyboard, sax & harmonica. He did a lot of Jimmy Buffet and other beach music. Pleep enjoyed the young bikini clad ladies hanging out at the bar and the dance floor. The only issue was the tattoos again. Ed had to stop Pleep from trying to pass off his monkeybutting as dancing. Pleep also spotted the Kona Brewing Company surfboard hanging up at the bar. He has decided it is the perfect item to hang over the couch in the tv room. This time Ed and our interior designer, Pat Connor, approved his decorating idea. Now, Delete is surfing the internet to find one for delivery in July.
Upon returning from the bar, Pleep found out that the launch had been scrubbed again. He was happy it at least wass scrubbed early so he didn't have to stay up late again. Finally, he checked the free agent pickups and learned that Peggy had traded the newly acquired Ricky Romero for Mike Leake. Pleep pointed out that it was screwing up the Ricky Romero trades earlier in the season that led to Peggy;s firing. He warned her that if this trade doesn't pan out and if Ricky does better than Mike, it will be back to the locker room duty.
Upon returning from the bar, Pleep found out that the launch had been scrubbed again. He was happy it at least wass scrubbed early so he didn't have to stay up late again. Finally, he checked the free agent pickups and learned that Peggy had traded the newly acquired Ricky Romero for Mike Leake. Pleep pointed out that it was screwing up the Ricky Romero trades earlier in the season that led to Peggy;s firing. He warned her that if this trade doesn't pan out and if Ricky does better than Mike, it will be back to the locker room duty.
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