Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beef, Booze, Boots, Bucks, & Booms

The Parker family Christmas party was a huge success.  The crowd grows every year with the 2010 numbers exceeding 40.  Being in the cattle business dictates dinner options; 3 huge beef tenderloins were the main event with biscuits, mashed potatoes and Janet Parker’s famous potato casserole as the sides.  The one green item was, Caesar salad.  To quote Harry, “You wouldn’t want to waste your stomach on green things when there is rare beef tenderloin and homemade desserts around.”  The house motto is prominently displayed in the kitchen and provides excellent advice for newcomers on how to handle one of the big events at the Parker Ranch.

Pleep was very impressed with the level of liquor consumption but felt the only Parker male with any taste was Grandpa Carl who favors Gentleman Jack.  He felt the Lord Calvert consumed by Ted & Harold leaves something to be desired.  When shopping for the booze, Ida’s local liquor store owner commented, “Of course you can have your normal 15% discount but you don’t normally buy Lord Calvert.  Are you sure you don’t want something else?”

Oscar was a bit gun shy with the crowd.  There were lots of boots and he was very afraid of a repeat performance from the earlier incident.  He had already had a tough day including having to be vacuumed with the Dyson attachment after rolling in the hay.  He managed to steer clear of all the boots while patrolling for dropped food.  He finally scored when a bit of beef fell off one of the plates as someone navigated the tight quarters in the kitchen.

After dinner, Beau, Harry and their Parker cousins conducted the Dirty Santa gift exchange.   As everyone has gotten older, there is less gift stealing.  With the colder weather, the “hot items” were snuggies and Ugh blankets.   

The other tradition is for everyone to play a dice game, Left, Right, Center.  There aren’t a lot of rules, just 3 dice and 3 bucks for everyone to start.  As is the norm, Harry Parker came from behind to win the pot.

The finale of the event was a fine fireworks display.  Perry Parker had snuck out earlier in the day to buy a small quantity of fireworks; “Ida, I think the boys are old enough to learn how to use these safely.  I promise to keep everything under control.”  He took the boys and the fireworks out to the front porch while Peggy, Ed and Ida commenced cleaning and reorganizing the house.  A sudden loud boom sent Oscar scurrying and Ida out the front door.  Evidently there was a misfire and one of the fireworks went the wrong way.  After a gentle reprimand and kind advice from Ida (actual quote can not be used), the activity moved further away from the house.  The display was very impressive and a fitting conclusion to another grand event at the Parker Ranch.  Thanks to Perry & Ida for sharing their house, family and friends.  We hope to see all these traditions carry on for many years to come.

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