Monday, December 27, 2010

Annie Saves The Day

Early Sunday, Peggy and Ed headed over to the Parker Ranch in Seminary, Mississippi.  The Parkers were all coming in from Denver via New Orleans to finish up the Christmas vacation on with family and friends.  About halfway to Pensacola, Ed realized there was no plan for dinner and no provisions at the ranch.   Pleep had packed the car with Christmas cookies, frango mints, truffles, Svedka and Sauza.  Ed pointed out that while monkey's might like to live on cookies, chocolate. tequila, and vodka, he was interested in something more substantial.   He also noted that there was likely nothing to mix in with the vodka or tequila.

A quick call to Annie resulted in her assembling a large care package: roast beet, turkey, swiss cheese, assorted breads, assorted crisps, and most importantly India Pale Ales for Ed.  A short pit stop to drop off the Murphy Cookies in exchange for a full cooler and full grocery sacks.  Plus, Annie had made her famous whoopie pies and pumpkin bread which also made it into the provisions.

Everyone made it to the ranch and thanks to Annie, had a very nice dinner and very special treats.  On the return trip to Daytona Beach Shores, Ed & Peggy will be stopping back in Pensacola to stay with the Murphys and reward Annie's efforts with a night out at Goatlips!

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