Pleep and Delete are enjoying the great spring weather that finally hit full tilt this week. One of Pleep's favorite spring activities is supervising the yard work and landscaping efforts. Ed spent a good bit of time this morning working on the "trench" in the front lawn. It required a lot of top soil followed by grass seed and then Scott's fertilizer etc. Pleep supervised the effort and also pointed out the weeds that needed pulling, especially the ones on the side stairway.
The trees are in full flower. Two of Pleep's favorites are the redbud trees and the dogwoods. We have a lot of redbuds all around the house and in the area overlooking the lake. He really enjoys the spring flowers even though the redbuds cause a substantial number of seedlings to develop which makes Ed's weeding job a very big task in a few more weeks.
After all the lawn mowing, edging, seeding, weeding, dirt hauling, and general yard effort, Pleep felt a trip to Barley's was required. Plus he needed to be able to indulge in his other favorite spring thing - watching baseball games.
After all the lawn mowing, edging, seeding, weeding, dirt hauling, and general yard effort, Pleep felt a trip to Barley's was required. Plus he needed to be able to indulge in his other favorite spring thing - watching baseball games.
Pleepleus is owner of the Pleepleus Monkeybutters, his fantasy baseball team in the California Baseball Nuts League (Beau Parker commissioner). After not faring very well in the draft, the MBs are not off to a very good start. Pleep has been trying very hard to pick up a few good free agents but lost on those as well. He's been carefully monitoring the trading activity and thought Harry's recent trade was within the rules and should have been allowed. Ed thinks Pleep is just trying to set precedent for later moves on his part. Pleep insists that if he were just allowed to hang out at Barleys where they have so many games on plus free wifi, he could be doing much better.
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