With Duke's victory, Pleep and Delete were jumping for joy. After the semi-final round, Delete had already beaten John Martini in the NCAA pool. Pleep was one of the few players in the pool who picked Duke to win the whole thing. With their victory Monday night, he skyrocketed past Martini and others into second place.
Second place was awarded 25% of the pool so he now has plenty of money to spend on vodka and bananas. Pleep and Delete have been discussing where to spend the winnings. Delete is in favor of the Blue Moose but Pleep is lobbying for Barley's because he can make use of their special prices on beer and martinis. He thinks it would be fitting to spend it on martinis because he beat Martini. We think Ed and Chris Carnicelli have been trying to influence the decision because they both have Barley frequent flyer cards.
Pleep was very happy to have Carnicelli visiting last night and talked him into sharing a victory dance involving Pleep's patented monkey butt maneuver. This combined with good story telling about Mackey Sasser, retired catcher for the New York Mets, won Chris a few points back in the house rankings. He is now closer to being tied with Mike Power for third place.
Pleep was very happy to have Carnicelli visiting last night and talked him into sharing a victory dance involving Pleep's patented monkey butt maneuver. This combined with good story telling about Mackey Sasser, retired catcher for the New York Mets, won Chris a few points back in the house rankings. He is now closer to being tied with Mike Power for third place.
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