Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pleep Develops Baseball Ap For IPAD

Pleep headed to the Apple store and picked up the IPAD. He firmly believes the key to success for managing the Monkeybutters will be to stay in constant communication with Delete and his NYC co-owners. The first thing he did was set up Rotoworld and Twitter so that he could get ahead of the curve on what is going on across the league.

Pleep has to do all the work on the IPAD because Delete is technically challenged and hooves are not a good thing to be using with the IPAD's touch screen. Pleep did order a nice leather case and a waterproof case for the IPAD. He thinks keeping the IPAD in the waterproof case is a good idea, especially at the ball park where the chance of spilling beer or other liquids may be quite high. Until the cases arrive, Pleep is keeping the plastic wrapper on the IPAD.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pleep Appoints New Manager and Improves Carnicelli Ranking

After a disastrous showing in this week's California Baseball Nuts League, Pleep felt major changes were needed. First he fired team owner Peggy as coach/manager, replacing her with Deletrious O'Connor. In his press conference, Pleep noted, "Peggy has been terrible from day 1. She did a lousy job handling the draft. Then she traded Lincecum who will likely get the Cy Young and dropped another pitcher without even picking up a new one. The error in last week's free agent pick-ups where she picked up the wrong pitcher and he was disabled to boot. The last straw was this week's debacle. With only 2 starting pitchers, we started the week knowing we would lose at least 12 categories."

Delete is very excited to have been named coach/manager and is anxious to spend his cash acquiring several hot aces. He's been studying pitching stats all week and discussing them with the New York co-owner. Delete seems to think if you are from New York you must know how to buy talent. After a complex free agent strategy involving 19 plus options, Pleep is very pleased to see a more complete bullpen.

Because of his hard work in support of the team, Pleep has elevated Carnicelli to third in the Ritter House Rankings. When asked about this promotion, Carnicelli commented, "I've had my eye on MIke Power for months now. I am very glad to have finally moved past him. My next goal is to pass Mel Carvill. If the Monkeybutter's bullpen comes through this week, I think I can gain a bit of ground." Pleep had no further comments on this strategy but inside sources say that if the MB's go to 1 and 3, Carnicelli's third place could be in jeopardy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pleep Celebrates First Win But Curses Peggy

The Pleepleus Monkeybutters managed to eke out a win this week against Team Murph in the California Baseball Nuts League. Pleep was very excited about the win and started celebrating as soon as the win was posted. However, his excitement was tempered when he learned that Peggy had screwed up the free agent pickups. Pleep had crafted a very complicated set of instructions involving pickups of 9 players and drops of 4. In part, he was trying to make up for Peggy's foul up from the week before where she dropped a player without picking one up. This meant the MBs were forced to play the week one player short.

Pleep was very pleased to see that the MBs did pick up the catcher and several other fielders he wanted. He also got the one pitcher he wanted, Lidge. However, Peggy picked up the wrong Romero and to boot he was on the disabled list.

Pleep is now crafting a trade strategy involving real money, a Pleep autographed baseball and other incentives. He thinks he will need to clear things with the commissioner to avoid any penalty like the one recently imposed on Harry Parker, Hattiesburg Eagles owner. The MBs are facing Perry Parker's Santa Barbara Angels. Pleep thinks the MBs need to acquire a top pitcher and will welcome offers from one and all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Rites Of Spring In KC

Pleep and Delete are enjoying the great spring weather that finally hit full tilt this week. One of Pleep's favorite spring activities is supervising the yard work and landscaping efforts. Ed spent a good bit of time this morning working on the "trench" in the front lawn. It required a lot of top soil followed by grass seed and then Scott's fertilizer etc. Pleep supervised the effort and also pointed out the weeds that needed pulling, especially the ones on the side stairway.

The trees are in full flower. Two of Pleep's favorites are the redbud trees and the dogwoods. We have a lot of redbuds all around the house and in the area overlooking the lake. He really enjoys the spring flowers even though the redbuds cause a substantial number of seedlings to develop which makes Ed's weeding job a very big task in a few more weeks.

After all the lawn mowing, edging, seeding, weeding, dirt hauling, and general yard effort, Pleep felt a trip to Barley's was required. Plus he needed to be able to indulge in his other favorite spring thing - watching baseball games.

Pleepleus is owner of the Pleepleus Monkeybutters, his fantasy baseball team in the California Baseball Nuts League (Beau Parker commissioner). After not faring very well in the draft, the MBs are not off to a very good start. Pleep has been trying very hard to pick up a few good free agents but lost on those as well. He's been carefully monitoring the trading activity and thought Harry's recent trade was within the rules and should have been allowed. Ed thinks Pleep is just trying to set precedent for later moves on his part. Pleep insists that if he were just allowed to hang out at Barleys where they have so many games on plus free wifi, he could be doing much better.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Carnicelli Nicks Carvill Shirt

In his ongoing effort to elevate his rank in the house ratings, Chris Carnicelli found the shirt left behind by Mel Carvill. After consuming several of Pleep's new anti-oxidant laced cocktails, he headed downstairs to rummage through the guest room until he found the shirt, a nice Marks & Spencer model, hanging in the closet. During his search, he kept muttering "It's a good thing Dan wasn't with Mel. Dan would never have left a shirt. Now I can gain some points back..."

Pleep and Delete were very nervous when Carnicelli decided to actually don the shirt. Everyone was very relieved to see that the shirt actually fit.
Fortunately for Mel, the blueberry pomegranate cocktail was no where in the vicinity of the shirt. After all this strenuous activity, Carnicelli decided he needed a little bonding time with Pleep to lobby for an increase in his house ratings. Pleep informed him that while he had gained back a few points it was not enough to even catch up with Mike Power let alone Mel or Dan Carvill. Pleep did tell Carnicelli that if a video of Mackey Sasser's double clutch problem was made available for the blog, he would move up past Power. We are all anxiously awaiting the video.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pleep Says Bananas Are Fine But The Cash Is Mine

With Duke's victory, Pleep and Delete were jumping for joy. After the semi-final round, Delete had already beaten John Martini in the NCAA pool. Pleep was one of the few players in the pool who picked Duke to win the whole thing. With their victory Monday night, he skyrocketed past Martini and others into second place.

Second place was awarded 25% of the pool so he now has plenty of money to spend on vodka and bananas. Pleep and Delete have been discussing where to spend the winnings. Delete is in favor of the Blue Moose but Pleep is lobbying for Barley's because he can make use of their special prices on beer and martinis. He thinks it would be fitting to spend it on martinis because he beat Martini. We think Ed and Chris Carnicelli have been trying to influence the decision because they both have Barley frequent flyer cards.

Pleep was very happy to have Carnicelli visiting last night and talked him into sharing a victory dance involving Pleep's patented monkey butt maneuver. This combined with good story telling about Mackey Sasser, retired catcher for the New York Mets, won Chris a few points back in the house rankings. He is now closer to being tied with Mike Power for third place.