Friday, December 15, 2017

SpaceX Finally Launches

After rescheduling the launch day several times, the Dragon Falcon 9 rocket launched precisely on time today. Pleep really enjoys watching the launches from our balcony. The sonic booms make for a nice bit of excitement too. The daytime launches are not as visually exciting as the night launches but everyone still turns out on the beach & balconies to view.

Today's launch was carrying supplies, equipment and science experiments to the astronauts in the space station. The booster rocket successfully returned, landing back on the launch pad. It's a very sensible approach for re-using the rockets and a credit to Elon Musk & private space exploration.

There's a few more launches scheduled between now and late January. With any luck, David & Patti Gates will get to see one when they visit. However, David Gates does have a history of jinxing rocket launches, most notably the Apollo 13 mishap.

Peggy Heidkamp
Go Irish! Hotty Toddy! Go Packers!

Sent from my iPad

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