Monday, December 4, 2017

Christmas Decorations On Display

After unpacking and a bit of tidy up activity, Pleep jumped right on decorating the place for Christmas.  The first things out of the box were the crèches - two from visits to Santa Fe and the other a gift from The Collins’ family cruise through Spain and Portugal.

Next up was Santa and his reindeer.  Delete thought he should be hanging out with the reindeer with his Generali red ribbon.  
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It took almost no time for Ed to assemble the small tree.  In fact, he spent more time vacuuming up the “needles” that fell off and figuring out how to set up the timer for the lights than he did putting the tree together.  Most of the ornaments on the tree are handmade from a Heidkamp Thanksgiving in the late ‘70s, spent at the log cabin just north of Green Bay.  A number of them have certainly seen better days but sentiment tops appearance on this tree.  One of Pleep’s favorites is Alice’s hand painted, signed on the back boy which has been broken and glued back together several times.  The yellow taxi cabs (gifts from the Parker boys) bring back many fond memories of NYC Christmas times.

With the decorating complete, Pleep donned his Santa hat and decided the best place to hang out was on top the liquor cabinet.  He knows Alice gives up Glenlivet for Advent and is contemplating doing something similar.  However, he is more inclined towards George’s approach - give up giving up.

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