We made it back to the beach after one bad day of driving and one good of driving. Pleep was very tired after having to monkeybutt all the way from Nashville to south of Atlanta. Delete had to navigate through 2 diversions to avoid the 5 hour traffic totally halted on 24 East around Chattanooga. Fortunately the weather was good for both days and there were no traffic issues at all on day 2 from Macon to Daytona Beach Shores.
The weather has been spot on everyday with plenty of sun, nice breezes and temperatures in the low 80s. There are very few tourists this time of year so the beach and pool area are very deserted. With any luck the weather will continue to be good for the guests who are due over the next couple of weeks. The first round is Maggie Murphy and her boyfriend Creighton. Everyone is very excited to have someone besides just Ed & Peggy to look at.

Pleep has added a new member to the traveling team - Cubby Bear. After watching the Daytona Beach Cubs last summer and then losing in the final game of the California Baseball Nuts World Series, he thought a new mascot might help. Delete pointed out that the Cubs have not won a World Series in over 100 years. Pleep responded that it might be the curse of the moose not the goat that caused the Monkeybutters loss. Leoni is just hoping he can come up with a strategy to turn things around for the Leoni Lions fantasy football team before he gets bounced by Pleep.
You need to pursue your plan to write "Drinking With George Heidkamp" I however do not want to be in any of the stories. I'm featured in "The Reliable Wife" book as their best example, so I can't have stories come out that would tarnish my reputation.