Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Life's A Beach

Even though it is colder than normal in Daytona, we are enjoying the weather. Talking to the Northern Exposure crowd, it is good to be south these days. It has been in the 50s here but sunny versus zero or worse up north. The Snowman did make an appearance here but it was just to introduce the beer of the month.

Pleep went out shopping today to check out bargains for kitting out the new condo. In addition to good deals on wine glasses and dishes, he found the large Bump-It display at Bealls. After hearing Ida rave about the need for a Bump-It to complete her New Year's Eve attire, he wanted to buyout the entire supply. We managed to convince him we really didn't need to stock up on Bump-Its and that when Ida came here we could buy her one of her own. Pleep just wants to make certain everything is in good order for the Girls Weekend in Daytona.

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