Monday, January 25, 2010

LG - Life Is Good

In preparation for our "camp out" next week, Ed had his big, new tv delivered today - an LG plasma. First, he and his dad assembled the new stand. The HH Gregg guys delivered it, connected it and tuned it up. We put the a couple of the lawn chairs in the "tv room"so that we could test out the tv. It all worked great and this will be Ed's favorite room. It has a great view of the ocean and when we add the couch will be very cozy.

The other big project for the day was having the guest bathtub resurfaced. Surface Savers came in and took care of the entire effort. It is a very involved process and they did a great job. The tub looks brand new. While this work was going on, Ed and his dad continued their minor repairs and touch up work. We hope to be entirely finished this week.

Stay tuned for pictures once we get the airbeds set up and are camping out there. Pleep and Delete will be moving in next week. Pleep doesn't want to move in until all the work is over. Now that there are 2 tvs, he thinks it is shaping up nicely.

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