Thursday, March 29, 2012

On The Road Again

Pleepleus is ready for another road trip. It all starts tomorrow with the flight to Phoenix. First, he will be hooking up with one of his favorite couples - Nancy & Jay. Plans include poolside margaritas, a cooking demo at Cook's in the Royal Palm, and happy hour at Lons.

Then we head to Santa Fe where we hook-up with David & Patti. Pleep and Patti are fast friends, especially as they share a taste for Guinness. Plus, Patti crocheted Pleep's favorite hat for him to wear on St. Patrick's Day. David has tried to scare Pleep with threats about letting a relative's dog play with him but Pleep just gives David his patented monkeybutt maneuver.

After a few days in Santa Fe, the crowd will head north to Durango and the Strater Hotel. Ska Brewery, one of Pleep & Ed's favorite breweries, is having a Mexican Logger kegger.

Peggy has purchased the new iPad and the bloggerpress app so watch for a few posts from the road.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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