Monday, August 29, 2011

Hiking & 100th Monkey: The Infinite Monkey Theorem

There are lots of hiking and biking trails in the Vail area.  Summer in Colorado is an excellent time to enjoy it all.  We've been hiking around the trails and spotting some interesting wildlife.  Delete was hoping to catch a glimpse of his relatives but no elk spottings as yet.  We did see a lot of different birds and caught a marmot hanging out in the sun.  Today the plan is to hike the ridge line from the top of the gondola.

After studying the Vail Daily weekend reviews, Hugh Jay settled on the Lord Gore which was offering a Sunday night deal to encourage diners.  Lord Gore is located inside Manor Vail Lodge and has spectacular views of the mountains.  Settling in and studying the wine menu, Pleep discovered 100th Monkey, a red table wine from The Infinite Monkey Theorem Winery.  He insisted we order a bottle although several of us were skeptical that a wine with monkey in the name would be any good.  When the bottle arrived with a picture of a chimp lasered on it, Peggy was a bit concerned.  It reminded her of the Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes movie she had just seen which had scared her a bit.  The wine turned out to be very good and we even recommended it to the diners at the next table.

Returning to the condo, Pleep googled 100th monkey.  He learned that the infinite monkey theorem is based on the concept in probability that a monkey striking a keyboard at random for an infinite period of time will eventually type out the words of Shakespeare.  Pleep pointed out that he produces his blog in a very short period of time with the only issue being a bit of a spelling problem.  He posed his version of the theorem: if he had an infinite number of 100th Monkey bottles, the process would be even faster and the error rate would be lower.  We highly recommend giving this wine a try if you find it in a store or restaurant when visiting Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the wine didn't taste like Monkey Butt
    wine. I'll have to look for this stuff.
    Hope you enjoyed the hike.
