Thursday, January 20, 2011

Go Pack! Beat Da Bears! Snow Shoveling S###s!

Pleep was not pleased to see the blizzard hit yesterday.  It started around 1:00 pm and snowed steadily until about 1 or 2 am.  During the first round of shoveling at 6:00 pm, Ed & Peggy dealt with about 2-3" inches.  Plus, to reciprocate our very kind neighbor Galen, who always gets stuck doing our driveway and lawn while we are in FL, we dug him out too.  How nice to wake up this morning to another 5-6".   With temps hovering around 10 degrees (that -12 for the Celsius crowd), needless to say, there were many comments about Florida, sand, and having our heads examined.  

The snow drifts in and around the neighborhood are pretty high now.  With more snow expected this weekend and early next week, we are not sure where to put it all.   The City Of Olathe has not yet made it out to plow and when that happens we are certain to have even more stacked up around the front of the house.  Pleep was wishing his buddy from Guernsey, Dan Carvill, could have been around to help shovel and then build snow forts.

All this crazy winter weather is really making us gear up for the big game - Green Bay Packers versus their nemesis, da Chicago Bears.  In anticipation of the big game, Pleep wanted to refresh everyone's memory and practice the Green Bay fight song:

Hail, hail the gang's all here to yell for you,
And keep you going in your winning ways,
Hail, hail the gang's all here to tell you too,
That win or lose, we'll always sing your praises Packers;
Go, you Packers, go and get 'em,
Go, you fighting fools upset 'em,
Smash their line with all your might,
A touchdown, Packers, Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!
On, you Green and Gold, to glory,
Win this game the same old story,
Fight, you Packers,
Fight, and bring the bacon home to Old Green Bay.
- - - by Eric Karll, 1931

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