The weather has been nearly perfect since our arrival in Daytona Beach - sunny, warm days, cool nights. We were actually glad to see a bit of rain roll in this week. It made for the perfect day to catch up on regular work, housework, and laundry. Of course, Pleep, Delete and crew were not as happy to be stuck indoors. Ed ended up getting out the laundry drying rack so that they would stay out of his hair.
To wrap up a very nice birthday on the beach, Ed took Peggy up to the new Sloppy Joes up the beach. Sloppy Joes is a very famous bar in Key West which Ernest Hemingway was known to frequent. Since Pleep fancies himself to be the monkey's answer to Hemingway because he writes and drinks, he thought it was a fitting place for a birthday celebration. Ed explained that he didn't think blogging was quite the same thing as writing a best seller such as Old Man and The Sea. Pleep countered that anyone can write a story about fishing but it takes a real monkey to make something out of nothing the way he has to every time he blogs.
Glad you had a great birthday with Ed, Pleep and the group on the dryer rack. Sloppy Joe's and Acai Berry vodka must have made for a lively night !!