Sunday, November 21, 2010

When You're Out Of Schlitz, You're Out Of Beer

After being gone for nearly a month, Ed had to make a Saturday trip to Barley's Brewhaus to check out the beers, reconnect with the wait staff and hook up with David Gates and Patti.  There were several new additions to the draft beer ranks.  After consulting with the bartenders, Ed selected an old favorite, Odell's IPA. 

As the afternoon wore on, the group tired several flavors.  Finally Patti & Peggy decided to split one last beer, a Franziskaner Dunkel.  The boys decided they should try something new from the packaged section.  Ed spotted one that was begging to be consumed - Schlitz Tallboy.  David was game but skeptical.  The final verdict was Schlitz was much better than expected.  A photo emailed to George elicited a prompt response: "GOC would be proud."  David & Ed raised their glasses to toast the memory of Grandma O'Connor and her many trips to Mishka's Liquor store wheeling her "Schlitizies" home in the grocery cart.  She always headed there on Mondays because Tuesdays were designated ironing days.  Her golden rule when ironing was one shirt, one Schlitz.

It is hard to decipher in the picture but the expiration for these cases happens to be George's birthday 13 December.   Pleep thinks it might be a good idea to send these to George.  He thinks George might need a break from Budweiser.  Plus, George can sip a few and fondly recall GOC's favorite admonition - "Blow it  out your a##, George. "

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Semper Fi - From The Halls Of Montezuma To The Shores Of Tripoli

Today marks the 235th birthday of the United States Marine Corps.  The United States Marine Corps traces its institutional roots to the Continental Marines of the American Revolutionary War, formed by Captain Samuel Nicholas at Tun Tavern in Philadelphia, by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress on 10 November 1775, to raise 2 battalions of Marines.  Pleep was very impressed with the idea that the Marines were formed at tavern.  He thinks the founding fathers must have been a lot smarter than the current Washington crowd.

Watching Mike & Mike this morning, everyone was pleased to hear Golic explain there was no such thing as an ex-Marine.  He learned this from his father and father-in-law who were both Marines.   Pleep and Delete were in full celebration mood right from the start.  They inspected the large collection of USMC hats from the Tim Heidkamp annual golf tourney and decided on the gray hat with white brim.  The rest of the discussion focused on what bars to go to and whether we could come up with a sword to use to cut the birthday cake.  Ed didn't want to explain that the likelihood of actually having a large birthday cake was nil.

Happy birthday to all Marines, especially George.  We will raise our glasses tonight to honor all those who served, are serving, and who have gone ahead to guard the gates of Heavens.  Join us in toasting the Corps and singing the Marine Hymn.

From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rainy Days & Away From Home Birthdays

The weather has been nearly perfect since our arrival in Daytona Beach - sunny, warm days, cool nights.  We were actually glad to see a bit of rain roll in this week.  It made for the perfect day to catch up on regular work, housework, and laundry.  Of course, Pleep, Delete and crew were not as happy to be stuck indoors.  Ed ended up getting out the laundry drying rack so that they would stay out of his hair.  

Pleep decided he better help Ed with preparations for Peggy's birthday.  When Delete had the audacity to ask how old Peggy was, Pleep took him to task explaining: 1) never ask a woman over 18 how old she is; 2) Mother Alice is only 39; and 3) if you are not at home for your birthday it does not add another year.   Pleep insisted Ed  head out to the local ABC store to acquire a bottle of very special vodka - Van Gogh Acai Berry.  According to Pleep, the high level of anti-oxidants in the acai berry are very healthy and promote youthful tendencies when distilled with vodka. plus, Pleep wanted to make certain there would be plenty of adult beverages on hand to celebrate the election results.

To wrap up a very nice birthday on the beach, Ed took Peggy up to the new Sloppy Joes up the beach.  Sloppy Joes is a very famous bar in Key West which Ernest Hemingway was known to frequent.  Since Pleep fancies himself to be the monkey's answer to Hemingway because he writes and drinks, he thought it was a fitting place for a birthday celebration.  Ed explained that he didn't think blogging was quite the same thing as writing a best seller such as Old Man and The Sea.  Pleep countered that anyone can write a story about fishing but it takes a real monkey to make something out of nothing the way he has to every time he blogs.

Pleep Celebrates All Hallows Eve

Halloween is one of Pleep's favorite holidays.  The concept of costumes, free candy, and rowdy behaviors is right up his alley.  He started celebrating early this time with the pumpkin carving and costume contests at the local pub.  Pleep and Delete were very impressed with the pumpkin carving skills of everyone from children to adults.  

Ed would not allow Pleep to actually handle any of the sharp implements or carving tools, especially after the beer consumption.  It didn't bother Pleep he just made his way around to all the tables and gave them his opinion oh how to improve their pumpkins.

Pleep had a great time hanging out with all the costumed people as well.   Delete was a bit concerned a number of times as Pleep tried to award prizes because several of the individuals in question did not actually have costumes on - it was their normal attire.  

The aging Harley Davidson tatooed crowd blended in nicely with the costumed crowd.   The favorite group of the night was the cross dressing bikers.  There was a debate as to whether they looked more like Fred Flintstone or John Belushi in drag. 

Everyone had a great time and all the girls were very interested in hanging out and hugging Pleep. Delete thinks they must just prefer the cuddly monkey to the more manly moose.   There were people dressed up as dodo birds and even the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.  Pleep was the only monkey there.  As such, he felt he deserved the prize but didn't feel too bad because the winners were the Alice in Wonderland family.  The little girl from that group spent a nice time with Pleep so he felt she deserved the prize. Of course his favorite person of the night was the waitress who not only looked good in her costume but continued to bring the beers all night.

Maggie Murphy and her boyfriend Creighton Deasy showed up to help celebrate the rest of Halloween weekend.  Pleep was very impressed with Creighton because he was a brewmaster.  His knowledge of the art and science of brewing made for great discussions.  Of course Delete thinks the fact that Creighton showed up with a large amount of his own brews may have swayed Pleep's opinion a bit.  Maggie and Creighton were given a nice introduction to the finer establishments in Daytona Beach Shores, including the Shores Festhaus (commonly referred to as the surfer bar).  The Festhaus has an impressive selection of beers on tap and in bottles.  We did our best to sample as many as possible.   Maggie was very pleased to find one of her favorites there, Hoptoberfest.    Delete ordered up the beer that most reminded him of Pleep's fantasy baseball/football management style - Arrogant Bastard Ale.

The festivities ended up back at the Deck Down Under where everyone enjoyed the intercoastal views.  Maggie ordered up a bucket of Kalik's and Pleep insisted we send a picture to sister Allison to make her jealous.  We are very sure that Maggie and Creighton will be happy to return to Daytona in the future.  After all, what is there not to like about hanging at the beach, enjoying nice weather, good company and good food and drinks.

We are already planning next year's Halloween adventure and hope to actually have costumes of our own to don.