Wednesday, September 9, 2009

One Week To Go!

Ed's been very busy in his first week of retirement: organizing the garage, defrosting things, supervising tree trimming and landscape work, etc. We've finalized the last of our reservations and have included a stop at Manitou Springs, Colorado for a visit to Pikes Peak. Now all we have to do is organize the gear, pack the clothes and pack the car.

Pleep is busy making the list of what to pack. He and his new friend, Deletrious O'Connor a.k.a. Delete, are number 1 and 2. Delete is one of Ed's gifts from his retirement party. He sports a nice Generali red ribbon around his neck. According to Pleep, having a moose along for the ride is a good idea. If we are stuck in any sudden, unseasonable snow storms, Delete can pull the car.

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